
I invite you to open up to the depth of your existence. To deeply connect with your beingness, with the alive stillness that you are. I invite you to be anchored in your body, to heal, to grow and to come home to yourself.

Fiona Ballmer

Courses and Retreats Private Sessions Yoga and Meditation

Courses and Retreats

Open Group Sessions - in Basel, Switzerland
Embodying Stillness - with Fiona Ballmer (in German)
23. January 25
30. January 25
6. March 25


Realization Process

Online Open Group Sessions - ONLINE
Embodying Stillness - mit Fiona Ballmer (in German)
15. January 25
12. February 2025


Realization Process

4-week Series in Basel, Switzerland - Stillness, Meditation, Embodiment
Anchor Yourself In Your Being - with Fiona Ballmer (in German)
Thursday, 6., 13., 20. und 27. February 2025


Realization Process

3-Day Retreat in Stels GR, Switzerland
Retreat "Being at Home in Yourself" - (in German)
April 11. - 13., 2025

3-Day Retreat in the Swiss Alps


Realization Process

5-Week Online Course
Being with the Messiness of Transformation - with Fiona Ballmer (in English)

In this 5-part course we explore the topic of transformation and deepen into spiritual aspects that support us to welcome the waves of inner and outer change.


Realization Process

Open Group Sessions
Living Silence - with Fiona Ballmer (in German)


Realization Process

5-Week Online Course
Stepping Fully Into Life - with Fiona Ballmer (in German)

In this five-week online series, using meditation and embodiment practices and guided inquiry, we will discover how fundamental consciousness supports us to feel at home within ourselves while stepping fully into life.


Realization Process

5-Week Online Course
Stepping Fully Into Life - with Fiona Ballmer & Cynthia Riha (in English)

In this five-week online series, using meditation and embodiment practices and guided inquiry, we will discover how fundamental consciousness supports us to feel at home within ourselves while stepping fully into life.


Realization Process

4-Week Online Realization Process Course
Anchor Yourself In Your Being - with Fiona Ballmer (in German)

Introduction to the Realization Process.


Realization Process

7-Week Online Course
Healing Natural Qualities of Being Human - mit Fiona Ballmer (in German)

In this course we will heal and deepen the five qualities understanding, voice, love, power and gender. We experience ourselves more and more as powerful and loving beings with the potential to express ourselves authentically and to claim our whole intelligence.


Realization Process

4-Week Online Realization Process Series
In Deep Contact With Yourself - with Fiona Ballmer (in English)

With meditation and embodiment exercises of the Realization Process, through inner reflection, breathing exercises and silent sitting we will deepen our experience of fundamental consciousness.


Realization Process

Private Sessions

As we begin to heal our wounds and let go of our limiting patterns, we open ourselves to the possibility of living from the vastness of our being and flowing with life. We become empty and open to the deepest dimension of our being, to the infinite power, aliveness and depth of our existence.

Fiona Ballmer

In private sessions, I support and accompany you…

  • …to be deeply in contact with yourself.
  • … to open up to the ground of your being and anchor yourself in fundamental consciousness.
  • …to attune to innate qualities like love, power, joy, trust, clarity and the potential to speak your truth.
  • …to be grounded, to deepen your relationship with the earth and feel supported.
  • … to recognize, experience and release traumas and constrictions in your body and mind.
  • …to be present with and give space to emotions such as sadness, grief, fear, anger, pain, doubts or loneliness. To consciously experience these emotions, to understand their deeper meaning and to release them.
  • …to experience self-love.
  • …to integrate spiritual awakening into your everyday life.
  • …to empty your vessel to welcome abundance, the flow of life and the miracle that you are!


There is space, a stillness, that connects us all. I’ll meet you there. Deeply listening with my whole being and an open heart.

Fiona Ballmer